📈Other Platform Tokens

Within the Ethora ecosystem, two platform-issued EscrowedETR and Multiplier points tokens play a significant role.

Escrowed ETR (esETR)

esETR is a non-transferable reward token emitted to ETR stakers and liquidity providers (ELP holders).

Escrowed ETR (esETR) serves dual purposes:

  1. Staking esETR yields rewards similar to regular ETR tokens.

  2. Vested esETR gradually transforms into actual ETR tokens over a one-year period.

Multiplier Points (MPs)

Multiplier Points cater to long-term holders without contributing to inflation. As soon as you stake the ETR tokens, you start receiving the Multiplier points every second at an APR of 100%. For example, if 5000 ETR tokens are staked for one year, they would accumulate 5000 Multiplier Points.

These Multiplier Points can be staked to receive fee rewards. When ETR or Escrowed ETR tokens are unstaked, a corresponding portion of Multiplier Points is burnt. For instance, if 1000 ETR tokens are staked and 500 Multiplier Points have been earned, unstaking would result in the burning of 150 Multiplier Points (calculated as 300 / 1000 * 500). This applies to the total sum of Multiplier Points, including both staked and unstaked portions.

The calculation of the "Boost Percentage" depends on the ratio of Staked Multiplier Points to the total sum of staked MPs tokens and staked esETR tokens:

Boost Percentage = 100 * (Staked Multiplier Points) / (Staked ETR+ Staked esETR).

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