
On the Dashboard page, you can access overview of trading data, token insights, and market situations on Ethora.

Trading Overview tab

Navigate to the Trading tab where you'll have a comprehensive view of the trading situation:

  • Total fees collected from trading and the trading volume of all time on Ethora.

  • Total fees collected from trading and the trading volume of the last 24 hours on Ethora.

  • Average trading volume on Ethora.

  • Average trade size on Ethora.

  • Total number of trades opened on Ethora.

  • Total Open interest at the moment which equals to the total volume of all active trades at the moment.

  • Total number of traders on Ethora.

Tokens tab

In the Tokens tab, you can easily access an overview of Ethora's two tokens: ETR and ELP.

  • ETR:

    • The price of ETR.

    • The circulating supply/ circulating market capitalization of ETR.

    • The total supply/ market capitalization of ETR

    • The total staked ETR amount.

    • The total amount of ETR in liquidity pools of all DEXs.

  • ELP:

    • The exchange rate of ELP in USDC.

    • Total supply of ELP.

    • Total USDC balance in USDC Vault.

    • The annual percentage rate for depositing USDC in the USDC pool. In other words, it represent the annual yield you can earn on your USDC deposit.

Markets tab:

Market tab is where you have a grasp of all asset pairs available on Ethora.

  • Asset pair.

  • The pool of the token used for trading the pair.

  • Current price of the pair, also known as the exchange rate of the pair.

  • Open interest of the pair refers to the total volume of all active trades of the pair.

  • The current trading volume of the pair over the maximum open interest of the pair

  • The minimum vs the maximum timeframe of the pair.

  • The maximum volume of a single trade of the pair.

  • The payout for trading the pair.

  • The status of the pair (Open/ Closed). Refer to the Market schedule.

Last updated