Account Activation

You can easily activate your account by

  • Click on the wallet on the navigation pane. A pop-up will appear.

  • Select "Activate account."

The functionality of 1CT operates through the following steps:

  1. It generates a secure private key that is used to sign actions on a user's behalf within the Ethora app. This step does not cost any transaction fee/ gas fee.

  2. It registers your 1CT account with Ethora's router contract. It also doesn't involve any gas fees – just like in Step 1.

This key is exclusively for authorizing actions within Ethora and cannot be used to approve external actions from other dApps.

Importantly, the private key is never transmitted over the internet; it remains securely stored in your browser's local storage.

Once 1CT is activated, at the start of each trading session, only one signature is needed to confirm ownership, granting automatic approval for trading and other actions on Ethora throughout the session.