ℹī¸Earn - Formulas

Here you will find all the formulas on Earn page.

List of contracts on Earn page



Faucet token









Bonus ETR (bnETR)(Multiplier points)







Coordinate rewards for sETR pool





Coordinate rewards for sbETR pool





Coordinate rewards for sbfETR pool





Coordinate rewards for fELP pool





Coordinate rewards for fsETR pool





Vested ELP (vELP)



Pool coordinator






Price of ETR token


Amount of ETR token in user's wallet


Amount of ETR that is being staked in sETR pool.

APR/Boosted APR

Boosted APR = (bnETR staked to sbfETR * USDC APR)/ (total sbETR (from staking ETR or esETR) of sbfETR) Example:

  • User's staked ETR amount = 5000

  • User's staked esETR amount = 1000

  • User's staked bnETR amount = 2000 => Boosted APR = (2000 * USDC APR) / (5000 + 1000)

APR/ Escrowed ETR APR

Escrowed ETR APR = 100% * 31536000* tokensPerInternal / (total supply of sETR * price of esETR)

In which, tokensPerInternal refers to the amount of esETR that the whole sETR pool receives every second. [Depends on owner's decision]

For example:

  • Total Supply of sETR : 1000

  • tokensPerInternal : 0.5

  • Price of esETR : 0.055 => APR = 100% * 31536000* 0.5 / (1000 * 0.055)


Base USDC APR = 100% * 31536000* tokensPerInternal / (supply sbfETR * ETR price)

In which, tokensPerInternal refers to the amount of USDC that the whole sbfETR receives every second.


  • Total Supply sbfETR : 1000

  • tokensPerInternal : 0.5

  • Price of ETR : 0.055 => Base USDC APR = 100% * 31536000* 0.5 / (1000 * 0.055)


Boosted APR + Escrowed ETR APR + Base USDC APR


Within a period of time (â–ŗt (seconds)), USDC Rewards = (tokensPerInternal * (user's staked ETR + user's staked esETR + user's staked bnETR) * (â–ŗt) ) / total supply of sbfETR

For example,

  • tokensPerInternal: 0.5

  • User's staked ETR amount = 5000

  • User's staked esETR amount = 1000

  • User's staked bnETR amount = 2000

  • Total supply sbfETR : 100000

=> Rewards within 10 seconds = (0.5 * (5000 + 1000 + 2000) * 10)/ 100000


Within a period of time (â–ŗt (seconds)), esETR Rewards = (tokensPerInternal * (user's staked ETR + user's staked esETR) * (â–ŗt) ) / total supply of sETR

For example,

  • tokensPerInternal: 0.5

  • User's staked ETR amount = 5000

  • User's staked esETR amount = 1000

  • Total supply sETR : 100000

=> Rewards within 10 seconds = (0.5 * (5000 + 1000) * 10)/ 100000

Multiplier Points APR


Boost Percentage

Boost percentage = 100% * ( user's bnETR amount staked to sbfETR pool )/ ( user's sbETR (from staking ETR or esETR) staked to sbfETR pool) For example:

  • User's staked ETR amount = 5000

  • User's staked esETR = 1000

  • User's staked bnETR = 2000 => Boost percentage=((2000) / (5000 + 1000))* 100%

Total Staked

Total amount of ETR staked to sETR pool

Total Supply

Total supply of ETR amount - total amount of burned ETR

Total rewards



USDC rewards = Rewards of sbfETR + reward of fELP. - Within a period of time ((â–ŗt (seconds)). USDC Reward of sbfETR pool = (tokensPerInternal * (user's staked ETR, esETR, bn ETR) *â–ŗt) / total supply of sbfETR For example:

  • tokensPerInternal: 0.5

  • User's staked ETR amount = 5000

  • User's staked esETR amount= 1000

  • User's staked bnETR amount = 2000

  • Total supply of sbfETR : 100000

-> Within 10 seconds, rewards of sbfETR = (0.5 * (5000 + 1000 + 2000) * 10)/ 100000 - Within a period of time ((â–ŗt (seconds)), USDC of fELP pool = (tokensPerInternal *( user's staked ELP) * â–ŗt ) / total supply of fELP For example:

  • tokensPerInternal: 0.5

  • User's staked ELP amount = 5000

  • Total supply of fELP : 100000

-> Within 10 seconds, rewards of fELP = (0.5 * 5000 * 10)/ 100000


ETR Rewards = Reward of vETR pool + reward of vELP pool Within a period of time ((â–ŗt (seconds)), ETR reward= (user's esETR deposited to ETR vault + user's esETR deposited to ELP vault) * â–ŗt ) / Seconds in a year Example: - User's esETR deposited to vETR pool: 1000 - User's esETR deposited to vELP pool : 2000 => Amount of ETR vested within 10 seconds = ((1000 + 2000) * 10) / 31536000

Escrowed ETR

Escrowed ETR rewards = rewards of sETR + rewards of fsELP

#Within a period of time ((â–ŗt (seconds), esETR reward of sETR pool = (tokensPerInternal * (user's total staked ETR + esETR) * â–ŗt) / total supply of sbfETR For example: - tokensPerInternal: 0.5 - User's staked ETR amount = 5000 - User's staked esETR amount = 1000 - Total supply of sETR amount : 100000 Within 10s, rewards of sETR = (0.5 * (5000 + 1000) * 10)/ 100000.

#Within a period of time ((â–ŗt (seconds). Reward esETR of fsELP pool = (tokensPerInternal * user's staked fELP) *â–ŗt ) / total supply fsELP Example : - tokensPerInternal: 0.5 - User's staked fELP amount = 5000 - Total supply of fsELP : 100000 Within 10s, reward of fsELP = (0.5 * 5000 * 10)/ 100000.

Multiplier Points

Reward of sbETR #Within a period of time ((â–ŗt (seconds)). bnETR rewards of sbETR pool = (tokensPerInternal * (user's total staked ETR + esETR) * â–ŗt / supply of sbETR. For example: - tokensPerInternal: 0.5 - User's staked ETR amount = 5000 - User's stake esETR amount = 1000 - supply sbETR : 100000 Within 10s, reward of sbETR = (0.5 * (5000 + 1000) * 10)/ 100000

Staked Multiplier Points

Amount of bnETR staked to sbfETR


Total USDC reward + ((ETR reward + esETR reward) *price)

Escrowed ETR



Exchange rate of esETR.


Amount of esETR in user's wallet.


Amount of esETR user is staking in sETR pool.

APR/ Boosted APR

Boosted APR = (amount of bnETR staked to sbfETR * USDC APR)/ (total sbETR (from staking ETR or esETR) staked to sbfETR pool) Example:

  • User's staked ETR amount = 5000

  • User's staked esETR amount = 1000

  • User's staked bnETR amount = 2000 => Boosted APR = (2000 * USDC APR) / (5000 + 1000)


Base USDC APR = 100% * 31536000* tokensPerInternal / ( total supply of sbfETR * price of esETR)

In which, tokensPerInternal refers to the amount of USDC that the whole sbfETR receives every second.


  • Total Supply sbfETR : 1000

  • tokensPerInternal : 0.5

  • Price of esETR : 0.055 => Base USDC APR = 100% * 31536000 * 0.5 / (1000 * 0.055)

APR/Escrowed ETR APR

Escrowed ETR APR = 100% * 31536000* tokensPerInternal / (total supply of sETR * price of esETR)

In which, tokensPerInternal refers to the amount of esETR that the whole sETR pool receives every second.

For example:

  • Total Supply of sETR : 1000

  • tokensPerInternal : 0.5

  • Price of ETR : 0.055 => APR = 100% * 31536000* 0.5 / (1000 * 0.055)

Multiplier Points APR

100 %

Total Staked

Total amount of esETR staked to sETR pool.

Total Supply

Total amount of esETR in sETR distributor and fsELP distributor address.

USDC Vault (ELP Token)


Max Capacity

Max capacity of USDC vault


Amount of USDC in user's wallet


Amount of ELP that user is staking to fELP pool

[APR] Escrowed ETR APR

Escrowed ETR APR= 100% * 31536000* tokensPerInternal * exchange rate/ (total amount of USDC in ELP pool) In which, tokensPerInternal refers to the amount of esETR that the whole fsELP pool receives every second. Example : - Amount of USDC in ELP pool : 1000 - tokensPerInternal : 0.5

- Exchange Rate : 0.75 Escrowed ETR APR = (100% * 31536000 * 0.5 * 0.75) /1000


USDC APR = 100% * 31536000* tokensPerInternal / (total amount of USDC in ELP Pool)

In which, tokensPerInternal refers to the amount of USDC that the whole fELP pool receives every second.

For example:

  • Amount of USDC in ELP Pool: 1000

  • tokensPerInternal : 0.5

=> USDC APR = (100% * 31536000 * 0.5) /1000

[Rewards] USDC

Within a period of time (â–ŗt (seconds)), USDC rewards = (tokensPerInternal * user's staked ELP) * â–ŗt) / (amount of USDC in ELP pool) Example:

  • TokensPerInternal: 0.5

  • User's staked ELP amount = 5000

  • Amount of USDC in ELP pool : 100000

-> Within 10s, USDC rewards = (0.5 * 5000 * 10)/ 100000

[Rewards]Escrowed ETR

Within a period of time (â–ŗt (seconds)), esETR rewards= ((tokensPerInternal * esETR Exchange Rate * user's staked fELP) *â–ŗt )/ total amount of USDC in ELP pool Example :

  • tokensPerInternal: 0.5

  • User's staked fELP amount = 5000

  • Exchange rate of esETR = 0.75

  • Amount of USDC in ELP pool: 100000

-> Within 10s, Escrowed ETR rewards = (0.5 * 5000 * 0.75 * 10/ 100000)

Lockup Period

1 Day

Withdrawable Amount

Amount of ELP user can withdraw

Total Staked

Total amount of ELP staked to fELP pool.

Total Supply

Total amount of USDC in ELP pool.


ETR Vault


Staked Tokens

Amount of ETR, esETR, bnETR user is staking

Reserved for vesting

  • Reserved amount: Amount of sbfETR of user in vETR pool

  • Total amount of ETR, esETR, bnETR user is staking

Vesting status

  • Amount of esETR amount converted to ETR.

Amount of esETR that have been converted to ETR =( amount of esETR deposited * â–ŗt )/ 31536000.

In which, â–ŗt = period of time since user deposited esETR until now.

  • Total esETR amount deposited for vesting in ETR Vault.


Amount of ETR that can be claimed from vETR at the moment. Amount of ETR that can be claimed at the moment = (amount of esETR deposited * â–ŗt )/ 31536000 In which, â–ŗt = period of time since user last claimed ETR until now.

ETR Vault deposit pop-up


Max deposit amount

Compare the number of esETR in user's address and the number of esETR equivalent to the number of sbfETR currently in user's wallet, get the smaller amount.


Amount of esETR in user's wallet.

Vault capacity

  • Deposited amount: esETR amount that has already been deposited into the vETR vault.

  • Max capacity: esETR amount claimed from staking ETR or esETR.

Reserve amount

  • Current reserved amount: Amount sbfETR of user in vETR pool.

  • Additional reserved required: Amount of sbfETR user needs to reserve more to vest esETR.

ELP Vault


Staked tokens

Total amount of ELP user is staking in fELP pool

Reserved for vesting

  • Reserved amount: Amount of fsELP of user in vELP pool.

  • Total staked amount: Amount of ELP staked in fELP pool

Vesting status

  • esETR amount converted to ETR.

    • Amount of esETR that have been converted to ETR =( amount of esETR deposited * â–ŗt )/ 31536000.

    In which, â–ŗt = period of time since user deposited esETR until now

  • Total esETR amount deposited for vesting in ELP Vault


Amount of ETR that can be claimed from vELP at the moment. Amount of ETR that can be claimed at the moment = (amount of esETR deposited * â–ŗt )/ 31536000 In which, â–ŗt = period of time since user last claimed ETR until now.

ELP Vault deposit pop-up


Max deposit amount

Compare the number of esETR in user's wallet and the number of esETR equivalent to the number of fsELPs currently in user's wallet, get the smaller amount.


Total amount of fsELP in user's wallet.

Vault capacity

  • Deposited amount: Amount of esETR deposited to vELP pool

  • Max capacity: Amount of esETR claimed from staking ELP

Reserve amount

  • Current reserved amount: Amount of fsELP of user in vELP pool.

  • Additional reserve required: Amount of fsELP user needs to reserve more in order to vest the esETR.

Last updated